A Plugin to improve Django development experience in Ninja

This plugin is yet fairly simple. What we have right now is the following: Support for Django syntax (we actually built this into html syntax in ninja until the IDE can provide a suitable syntax system that allows us to modify the syntax of any file type to include template items.) Template Preview: You can render the templates using custom values modifiable via gui Django Poject Type: You can create a “Django App” project type that will be used to identify the files that can be templates and in a future all the files that can be affected by all the plugin features. WARNING: In order to use this plugin you do need to have a working django instace WITH virtualenv and it must be working.

Source code on Github: Ninja Django Plugin.

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Paul Carruthers
Paul is an avid programmer who specializes in Python and Java with over 16 years of experience in the field. He loves automating complex tasks and creating useful scripts to streamline work and make life easier. He is also a massive fan of Linux and currently uses it as his main desktop OS. When he is not staring at code, he loves hiking and swimming in different parts of the world.


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