How To Ping Google in Windows 10/11, iPhone or Linux Continuously
Ping command line tool has been designed to test issues related to connectivity on a network. It is based on ICMP protocol also known...
Top 6 Best GNOME Themes 2024 – Make Linux and Ubuntu...
GNOME is a desktop environment found in various Linux distributions, one example is Fedora. By default you only get the Adwaita theme but what...
2 Ways To Install Python 3.10 on Ubuntu 20.04/22.04/23.04 LTS (Step-by-Step...
Python releases updates quite frequently and when it does there are various improvements. Every programmer welcomes these. Their latest stable release currently Python 3.10...
Top 7 of the best Python IDEs available for Ubuntu 20.04,...
Today most of the popular sites or application software are powered by Python as it is a widely used general-purpose programming language. Now why...
How To Download and Install Outlook for Ubuntu 22.04 (2024)
Outlook is an email client that can send and receive mail by accessing Microsoft Exchange Server email. It also provides access to contact, email...
11 Best VNC Server For Linux, Ubuntu in 2024 (Free/Paid)
You can access Linux desktop system by RDP or VNC, a proprietary developed by Microsoft. It will provide you with a Graphical Interface to...