Home Learn Programming

Learn Programming

In this section, we have various pages all with the core purpose of teaching you how to do programming in various languages such as Java, Javascript, C#, C++, Kotlin, Go and Python.

Coding and Programming Requirements for Laptop and PC

Coding Laptop/PC Requirements in 2025 (The Minimum Needed)

A few requirements need to be set for programming and coding laptops. For programming in a comfortable manner, you need to have minimum and...
Raspberry Pi SH (Bash) File: Install, Create and Run Shell Scripts

Raspberry Pi Sh File: Install, Create and Run Shell/Bash Script (With...

A .sh (shell) or bash file can be utilized in increasing productivity and managing menial, repetitive tasks. When a script has properly set permissions...
5 Python Programming Books You Must Read To Master Code

6 Python Programming Books You Must Read To Master Code (2024)

If you intend to make a career or become a programmer then you must learn Python language which is object-oriented and is an interpreted, high-level...
How to learn Python faster as a beginner? (9 Tips to get you up and running)

How to Learn Python Faster as a Beginner? (9 tips to...

If you have landed here, you already know what Python is. Let me get this straight. This will never work like learning Python in...
How To Have GitHub Copilot Access For Free as a Student (With Alternatives)

How To Have GitHub Copilot Access For Free as a Student...

GitHub Copilot is a tool developed for programmers to help them write code. It utilizes artificial intelligence to write code for you in various...
12 Best C and C++ Programming Books PDF Download (2023 Version)

12 Best Books for C and C++ Programming PDF Download (2024)

C++ is one of the top programming languages which you must know if you have interest in computer science. It is high in demand...

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